Jessica Jones/Alias [2001-2004]


In about 5 weeks Marvel & Netflix will debut Jessica Jones, their second series together after Daredevil, and one of four which will ultimately culminate in The Defenders. These series are apparently meant to depict the world of gritty, street-level heroics in New York in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), a contrast with the more high-flying, super-powered stories told in their movies.

I wasn’t familiar with Ms. Jones, so about 5 months ago, I grabbed her series, Alias, and read through it. Its a 28-issue run on a Marvel imprint called Marvel Max, which is basically their version of Vertigo. Its meant to tell more complex and adult stories that they can’t delve into with regular readership due to censorship restrictions and reader age.

28 issues
Not suitable for children (complexity, violence, language, sex, drugs, racism)
Suitable for teenagers and adults

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