What Kind of Witch Are You? 60 Witchcraft Traditions

V0048920 Witches: five silhouetted figures.

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I recently discovered that there are a myriad of different paths of witchcraft these days. Here’s an article that details 60 of them. Below are summaries from the main article, but it goes into more detail with expanded information on each. Many of these are represented in stylized forms in various RPGs, from Ars Magica and Mage: the Ascension to various racial and regional branches in different D&D settings.

Different Types of Witches and Witchcraft

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Intimate photos of modern-day witches across America

My sister shared an article online called “Intimate photos of modern-day witches across America” which gave an overview of photographer Frances Denny‘s years-long journey across the US photographing and interviewing modern witches in the country. Its interesting to me to see how many disciplines are now encompassed under the umbrella-term witchcraft. In the early 90s, when I last read books on witchcraft more regularly (mainly for deeper background knowledge for my D&D games) there were several large branches, but like metal sub-genres, its either fragmented or specialized into many more.

Here are some snippet definitions from across the internet for some that are called out in the article:

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